Healthcare Justice

Nassau County DSA is organizing as part of a state-wide campaign in support of the New York Health Act, which would provide comprehensive & universal health coverage for all New York residents and workers.

Our chapter stands with the ongoing struggle for health justice and universal coverage, beginning at home with our current focus on the New York Health Act. Given the unprecedented public health & economic threat of COVID-19 to our home state, the time has never been more urgent to ensure health care for all in the state of New York.

Our chapter also stands with DSA nationally and Senator Bernie Sanders in our endorsement of  Medicare For All at a national level, as well as the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act as a national coverage program during the COVID-19 crisis. 

We stand in solidarity with Nassau County’s doctors, nurses & health care workers in their ongoing efforts to fight COVID-19 and protect patients.

Does your Long Island representative support the New York Health Act?

Find your state senator here and tell them to support the New York Health Act TODAY!

NY State Senate: