Tax The Rich
Long Island


Tax The Rich - Long Island Campaign starts Canvasses

Saturday (2/18) LI DSA comrades started knocking on doors to Tax the Rich. Unsurprisingly, our neighbors in Hempstead were super into it! We found a lot of positive support for the campaign and to follow through on the action. The action in Hempstead this past weekend is send an email (preformed) to their representative Sen. Kevin Thomas. 

Taxpayers foot Senator Kevin Thomas annual salary of over a hundred thousand dollars, about median of a for an upper-middle class Long Islander.

Yet he protects the rich from paying their fair share of taxes  and preventing funding of better public services on Long Island.

Senator Kevin Thomas has never supported taxing the rich and has expressed more concern for them in meetings with us than his constituents. It's time we change that. Join our next canvass in Kevin Thomas's district, Hempstead, March 5th!


Letter writing campaign: Make your voice heard by sending an email to your legislator. It’s an easy way to say it’s time to Tax the Rich and Seize Our Future!

Print out your own Zine: You can print out and assemble the Zine below and share it with anyone to let them know we need to Tax the Rich to fund our communities. Instructions included!

Rep the Campaign - Get a Beanie!

Join our upcoming canvasses! - Our next canvass dates are 3/5, and 3/18 at Noon.

Help Us!?

Join us! Help us Tax the Rich!
We are canvassing every other weekend until the legislative session ends.

Check our other actions above!